[Bf-python] Thinmesh module, v1.1

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at superig.com.br
Thu Sep 22 04:48:07 CEST 2005

Ken Hughes wrote:
> Ken Hughes wrote:
>> The first experimental version of the BPy Thinmesh module is available 
>> here:
>> http://www1.pacific.edu/~khughes/blender/thinmesh/v1.1

Tested it with current cvs, no problem compiling. I just copied 
TMesh.[ch] to api2_2x/, added lines for TMesh in Blender.c (like in 
Ken's patch: one to include the header, one to init the module) and 
added TMesh to SConstruct in the parent dir.

Of course it's ongoing and early work, so many things are not 
implemented yet, but what is there is even useful, already. Used this 
silly test, for example:

import Blender
from Blender import TMesh
mesh = TMesh.Get("Mesh")
for v in mesh.verts:
  v.co[2] = 0

to get a "cardboard" out of a simple body mesh I had in the .B.blend.

Jean-Michel (and all of us) really have good reason to be anxious about 
this, the new mesh module should be very welcome. Great work, Ken :). I 
forgot to test the subdivision code, but I enjoyed seeing it in the code 
last night, it was a good idea (and yes, entering/leaving editmode is a 
good way to get some extra functionality in TMesh).


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