[Bf-python] Thinmesh module

Campbell Barton cbarton at metavr.com
Mon Sep 19 00:13:33 CEST 2005

Ken Hughes wrote:

> Willian Padovani Germano wrote:
>> About a new mesh module, I've been thinking frequently about it these 
>> days, because of the recent trouble with nmesh.update(). Writing the 
>> new module to the point of having something fast and useful for many 
>> applications should not take that long.
>> If you want to tackle this I can help with any troubles.
> Sounds like many believe this project would be a Good Idea(tm), so 
> I'll create a wiki page for ideas and suggestions.  I like the idea of 
> a first milestone of only editing of existing mesh data with no 
> add/delete capabilities.
> Since other use meshes much more than I, suggestions for the API will 
> really be needed.  My current plan would be to use the existing NMesh 
> API as a template as far as access to vert/faces/edges and their data, 
> but can use more guidance.
> Ken 

Hi Ken,
I have written a few mesh editing scripts - 
good to here your serious about ThinMesh. Here are some random comments.

    * Will you use EditMesh or Mesh structure? the 1 shortcoming with
      using editmesh is that you cant modify texFaces in edit mode (not
      sure if that applies to a python wrapper)
      - In the case where you dont use editMesh you are stuck with C
      arrays, your probably aware of how applications handle allocating
      chunks of memory for arrays to grow in size.
      It might be worth looking at how Jiri implimented Verse in
      blender, he did some tricky memory management stuff for that.

    * Direct, non edit mesh accsess would be realy nice for Python

    * Some python/Mesh script only modify UV coords, vertex colours,
      vertex locations. It would be good if the wrapper was designed so
      a lot of memory allocating was not needed for just modifying data.
      (as is the case now)

    * Would using EditMesh data for the thin wrapper limit you to
      modifying 1 mesh at a time?

    * On the flipside, editMesh might make accsess to mesh tools like
      scanFill, beauty fill, duplicate. Ip personaly rather faster
      modification of existing data but there is definetly advantages
      with EditMesh data/mode.

    * Zr has made edges exist for all mesh objects, is this design
      decission somthing that will carry onto python?

- Cam

Campbell J Barton

133 Hope Street
Geelong West, Victoria 3218 Australia

URL:    http://www.metavr.com
e-mail: cbarton at metavr.com
phone: AU (03) 5229 0241

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