[Bf-python] Mesh Module

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at superig.com.br
Thu Oct 6 22:30:59 CEST 2005

Ken Hughes wrote:
> OK, have something ready to commit for this, but wanted feedback before 
> that in case someone has better ideas:

Seems pretty good :), congratulations again.

About vertex indices, checking Mesh.c I recalled your need for them, 
indexing to get the original data from Blender's mesh verts array. I 
don't have the whole picture already formed in my mind right now, but 
guess it's better *not to have .index in py verts (the fat wrappers)*.

Let's see... tvert (thin), pyvert (fat):

mesh.verts[n] = tvert # ok, n is the index, we ignore tvert.index
mesh.verts[n] = pyvert # ok, pyvert has no index info, but "n" does

# returns a tvert:
tv = mesh.verts[n]
tv.co = myvector
# above is ok, it will update the correct vert in the related Blender
# mesh, since tvert has index info.

Not having .index in the pyvert also helps with faster copies like I 
mentioned in my previous reply in this thread (keeping MVert and PyVert 
structs very similar).


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