[Bf-python] Re: blender 2.40 python docs

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Mon Nov 14 14:12:24 CET 2005

On Monday 14 November 2005 00:53, Tom M wrote:
> also it would be good to create a 'porting guide' that notes the
> important changes that will impact scripts - ie that matrices are
> generally no longer copy on assignment and things of that nature.


one issue is that we should decide what the API is, as in what is supported 
(like is the previously hidden BezTriple an official part of the api from now 
on?) .. and then there is the Object-Actions issue

also, Ken did that reorganizing with Effect/Particle, that later got me 
thinking: where do we put Fluidsim?

so i think the docs are not the actual problem, but design and decisions about 
the api itself first.


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