[Bf-python] typo in epydocs

Joseph Eagar joeeagar at prodigy.net
Thu Jul 28 21:49:51 CEST 2005

Stephen Swaney wrote:

>On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 09:19:48PM +1000, Campbell Barton wrote:
>>Problem is -
>>Layer != Layers
>>Layers is correct, Layer is incorrect.
>Ah, now I get it.  Your eyes are better than mine late at night.
>Just a little bit of legacy code in the doc.  Easy to fix!
One idea would be to have .layer also accept strings, like say "1,4,6" 
Unfortunately this would like require making a LayerMask object, so I 
don't know if it's feasable. . .

you could, for example, say if ob.layer == "1, 4, 5", and it would parse 
the string down into the constituent bitmasks.  Hm.  You know, I could 
do it. . .but I'm not familiar with the updated coding style your all 
working on.


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