[Bf-python] Callback types (sorry, got things wrong)

Yann Vernier yann at algonet.se
Wed Jan 19 11:53:32 CET 2005

On Mon, Jan 17, 2005 at 09:26:20AM +0100, Michael Reimpell wrote:
> >   retval=...Call...;
> There should be no need for another error check since a failure of 
> PyArg_ParseTuple already leads to a meaningful error message. The 

I think you misunderstood. This is for within the callback function, to
detect if exceptions occur in the Python code, not the bpy interface.
That the callback is callable has been established, but it also *does*
something which may fail.
The idea is to 1) correct the reference count as every Python function
returns a reference and 2) make sure a faulty python callback shows
something rather than just silently failing, possibly partway.

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