[Bf-python] adding curve.isCyclic(int=0), curnurb.isCyclic()

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Mon Jan 3 17:41:15 CET 2005


happened to notice this thread on blender.org where some company/group had 
analyzed using Blender for game dev., the usual exporting models to their 
engine etc. see 

one problem they had was unability to check whether curves were open or 
closed via Python. i figured it's pretty trivial to do especially for 
someone who's been working on the API, and said that on the thread, asking 
if someone was doing it already .. no responses, so tried now myself, 
seemingly with success (thanks to the help on #blendercoders) .. first 
time touching the C-side in Blender so lot to learn

added curve.isCyclic(int=0) and curnurb.isCyclic() mostly just by
copy-pasting from the pre-existing .isNurbs equivalents. there is some
ambiquity: curve.isCyclic, which can be given the index of the spline, or
else it defaults to the first (often only) one, returns 0 or 1 as an int,
but the curnurb one returns a python boolean. not that it matters really
-- the python booleans are not that different from numbers anyhow as you
probably know .. perhaps they didn't exist when curve.isNurbs was made

diffs / patches are http://an.org/blender/isCyclic-to-Curve.c.1.21.patch 
and http://an.org/blender/isCyclic-to-CurNurb.c.1.4.patch

.. if there are no problems (worked fine in my test,
http://an.org/blender/curve.blend), perhaps someone can add to cvs? oh and 
the doc diff is in http://an.org/blender/isCyclic-to-Curve.py.patch

the thread seems to discuss many other things too, but at least in the 
original that seemed to be the only one about Python (perhaps there were 
others later, don't remember now)

so please someone take this further, and/or report back problems 
preventing that


btw: is someone putting the current doc on-line?

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