[Bf-python] (no subject)

joeedh joeeagar at prodigy.net
Sun Feb 20 19:25:04 CET 2005

Gabriel Beloin wrote:

>try this code in blender:
>import Blender
>from Blender import Mathutils
>a = Mathutils.Vector(1,1)
>b = Mathutils.Vector(1,-1)
>print Mathutils.AngleBetweenVecs(a,b)
>The result is 90.0000025045.
>Why on earth a square angle between 2 vectors could equal 90.0000025045. Or its me that is missing something?
It has to do with the preision of floats and slight inaccuracies 
inherient in all float-based math.  It isn't a big deal, it's just 
annoying when you display them :)

In other words, there is a .0000002 precision loss in computers :P .


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