[Bf-python] Oops Loc and Oops Sel Patch

cpbarton at iinet.net.au cpbarton at iinet.net.au
Tue Feb 8 12:15:33 CET 2005

Hi All, WHen I messed around with the OOPS code a while back, I realized that
most of the functionality I needed could be added to OOps through Python-
As long as python has accsess for Oops Location, and OOps Selection.

Linking, Knifing objects to there mash data/ or modifying material relationships
etc can all be done in python but using the OOps as a view/selection/position
front end.

Its kind of cool that OOps has a selection for all data types-
eg- Select all Materials and You could link all these for one mesh, even deleate
a material- Pythgon could just deleate all references..

Another fun Thing would be to experement to the oops layout, could make it more
tree like. I alse tried to use 2 axis from the 3d view, was interesting.

It could also be used to store object groups- By grouping the OOPS box positions
to set the group...

Theres a lot that can be done with this, the Patch I have given only adds
variables to NMesh, Material and Object-

Adding .sel for oops selection (objects alredy have .sel) and 
oopsloc....   Ob.oopsloc = (0, 12)

Hope sombody finds this usefull. :)

- Cam
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