[Bf-python] Transforming a mesh C

cpbarton at iinet.net.au cpbarton at iinet.net.au
Sun Feb 6 12:32:56 CET 2005

Im not sure the vert normals are re-calculated, I could check, But on the same
any vert moved should recolculate the normals.
This would only affect the vert normal since face normals are always generated
on the fly.

I agree that it needs to conform with the rest of NMesh, it cant neglect the
But should be no big deal to add it.

- Cam

___Yann Vernier wrote: 

Does this code currently transform the normal vectors of the mesh as well as the
mesh vertices?  Unless those are automatically updated somehow (which I would
suggest is *NOT* a good general solution!), it seems to me that this is only
doing part of the job.

Yann Vernier wrote:

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