[Bf-python] obj, exporter speedup.

Campbell Barton cbarton at metavr.com
Sun Sep 12 05:40:45 CEST 2004

Hi All, made some fixes to the obj i/o

Export now uses propper string formating- 10% speedup (larger files due 
to higher precision)

Export uses GetRawFromObject- so subsurfs are exported subdivided.

Jiri's latest bugfix for the importer has had minor changes, not many. 
and all are trivial.

Also- These scripts use 2 spaces for indentation, Jiri could you please 
stick to this, makes it confusing for me to read changes you make (tabs 
and spaces)
(Mabe this needs to be addressed- should we use tabs or spaces for a 
python plugin standard)

- Cam
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