[Bf-python] Building python with builtin modules

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Sat Sep 4 05:56:20 CEST 2004

Chris Want wrote:

> Hmmm ... I wasn't aware that you had to distribute the
> modules in a separate package. I'm surprised I don't
> see 'socket' in your list, as I would think that would
> be an important one.

This separate pack has only .py modules, plus the zlib dll needed to 
unpack the package itself and provide zlib / gzip (with the gzip.py 
layer)  functionality.  Well, 'socket' in particular is considered a big 
risk by security savvy Python users.

But that is not the reason for not including it: the list is a basic one 
that should let windows users (the "80%" of total Blender user base, 
with a much smaller chance of having or wanting to download Python) run 
the bundled scripts.  And it was a first release, the package can always 
be updated for newer releases.

For special cases, like 3rd party extensions or very specific modules, 
script authors can also ship the extra modules themselves or require 
them as dependencies, it's a usual situation with Python extensions.


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