[Bf-python] Building python with builtin modules

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Fri Sep 3 06:42:58 CEST 2004


Chris Want wrote:

> Would you happen to know which modules the Windows version
> has builtin?

Python 2.3.3, Windows ME (should be the same for other win versions):

('__builtin__', '__main__', '_codecs', '_hotshot', '_locale', '_random', 
'_weakref', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 
'cmath', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 
'marshal', 'math', 'md5', 'msvcrt', 'nt', 'operator', 'pcre', 'regex', 
'rgbimg', 'rotor', 'sha', 'signal', 'strop', 'struct', 'sys', 'thread', 
'time', 'xreadlines', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport')

Got it using this:
import sys
prints sys.builtin_module_names

The Python modules Python23.zip (and the zlib.pyd dll) included with 
Blender 2.34 for windows are also "basic" modules that should be 
available, they are under cvs now.  Some are specific to the platform, 
like nt and msvcrt, just forget them.  The official documentation tells 
which are platform-specific or not when you're in doubt.  If you try the 
above commands on another platform you'll see that Python for win comes 
with many additional modules that are built shared elsewhere, where 
Python is more common.

BTW, might be useful info: at least on linux a new Python installation 
goes to /usr/local and lives nicely with the already installed one, you 
just need to tell Blender where the Python you want is, by setting a 
system var, like PYTHON="/usr/local/bin/python2.3".  This works to 
compile Blender and should also work for running pre-compiled versions, 
tested with 2.32.


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