[Bf-python] Ok, heres the status of the EMesh code.

Joseph models at paposo.com
Mon Oct 11 04:20:33 CEST 2004

joeedh wrote:

> Joseph wrote:
>> Hi, All it's been a while,
>>    As I remember EMesh was willian's baby for years but was never 
>> implemented. As I remember the original idea was to have 2 major 
>> functions in the module : EnterEditMode and ExitEditMode which would 
>> call the edit.c  functions in blender src.  As I remember all 
>> editmode structures are temporary and simply by calling exit edit 
>> mode all temporary structs are written to the mesh data.
>>   Also I remember when I added vertgrouping things to NMesh I 
>> originally wanted to add 'selection' functions for vertgroups 
>> however, you can really only 'select' things when you are in edit 
>> mode (this is also true for armatures).
>>    I would like to hear willian's comments on this. Also I would like 
>> to see selection functionality as a major portion of EMesh. My 
>> opinion on EMesh is that an editmesh should be returned from a 
>> regular mesh structure through a call to enterEditMesh with a Mesh 
>> structure as an argument. All data for editmesh should be temporary 
>> and upon a call to exitEditMesh all data is written to the original 
>> mesh caller and editdata is cleaned up by python. 
> Ehh. . .the whole point of EMesh is to implement real-time mesh 
> editing tools.  This can only be done in EditMode, and by the 
> EditMesh's nature a thin wrapper is really IMHO the best way to do it.
> And it will be bug-free.  Fixing the GetScreen* functions should not 
> be difficult.
> joeedh
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 From what i understand the code was written so that editmesh is a 
temporary structure for manipulating Mesh datablocks. The two major 
functions for manipulating mesh data  are make_editMesh() and  
load_editMesh().  make_editMesh() takes the Global editobject and then 
creates all the edit data structs for you based on the mesh data. You 
can manipulate these structures and then call load_editMesh() to 
recreate the mesh based on the editdata and then the editdata is 
released.  Clearly ppl are going to need to enter editmode on meshs that 
are already created to be able to manipulate their data.  How do people 
do this?

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