[Bf-python] A few late replies (to Michael, Stani, Bob)

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Tue Nov 30 03:13:35 CET 2004

Hi Michael,

Michael Reimpell wrote:

>This patch fixes a bug in quat.c (wrong initialization with 
>newQuaternionObject( NULL )), corrects some typos in the BPy api doc and gives additional information about the parameters to the constructors of Quaternion([w,x,y,z]) and Vector([x,y,z,w]) in the BPy api.
Thanks : ), I'm updating cvs with your changes.

BTW: the doc had an error (not because of Michael's patch,  the error is 
old): Blender.Quaternion() requires a list argument, it can't be called 
as ().  For now I changed the docs, but later we should update the 
function to return identity quat when called without arguments.


Stani wrote:

> I'm adapting SPE to the new Blender 2.35 The Blender browser gives an error message when trying to get all the IpoCurves. You can reproduce this error easily like this:

>>>>>> import Blender
>>>>>> Blender.IpoCurve.Get()
>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>   File "<input>", line 1, in ?
>>>>>> SystemError: error return without exception set
 > Is this a know issue. What's the url of the bf-python bug tracker anyway?

The function was just returning 0 (should return a pyobj), now it 
returns Py_None, thanks.  Here's the bug tracker's url:


Bob Holcomb wrote:

> I'm having a little problem with the setParent() function of bones.  I create a bone (actually alot of them), then add them to the armature.  I then link the armature data to the armature object, then link that with the scene and create the display lists.  Everything works just fine, however, if I try to pull the bones from the armature using getBones() and set the parents of each bone I get wierd results.  The bones dissappear from the armatuare all together.  I checked the set parent code and didn't see anything that looked like it was wrong.  Could I be getting copies of the data from getBones()? If i try to re-add the bones, I get an error saying the bone is already in the armature.  Has anbody else had similar experiences with these functions?

Sorry Bob, I barely touched this part of the API, so I can't answer you 
without playing a little / a lot (?) with the code first.  Possibly Joe 
(Joseph Gilbert) can answer you, guess I recall somewhat recent 
discussions here that might be related.  But Joe seems to be very busy 
at the moment, so this may take a while.

BTW, based on irc discussions: it's very likely that Ton will indeed 
focus on animation stuff soon.


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