[Bf-python] Resubmission of patch for Draw.Image()

Jonathan Merritt j.merritt at pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
Wed Nov 24 14:02:47 CET 2004

Hi Everyone,

Is it time yet for me to re-submit my patch for Blender.Draw.Image()?  
I've attached it to this email again, against the current CVS.  I'm not 
sure whether I'm meant to wait for BCon-1 to come back up again on 
blender.org, but I noticed a string of commits earlier today, so I 
thought we might be rolling again. :-]  I'm really quite eager to get 
this in so that I can start re-structuring a lot of my stuff around it.

Just a quick summary once more:

Blender.Draw.Image(image, x, y, zoomx=1.0, zoomy=1.0, clipx=0, clipy=0, 
clipw=-1, cliph=-1):

  Draws a Blender.Image on the screen using raster operations.

  (image) - Blender.Image to draw.
  (x, y) - Raster coordinates of the lower-left corner of the image (can 
be negative).
  (zoomx, zoomy) - Horizontal and vertical zoom factors.
  (clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph) - Image space clipping rectangle.

The method itself, and epydoc documentation (more extensive than the 
quick summary above) are both provided in the patch.  btw: is this the 
correct mailing list for these patches?  It's terribly unclear whether 
Python extension module patches should be submitted here or to 
bf-committers... :-/

Thanks, :-)

Jonathan Merritt.

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