[Bf-python] Adding help info to scripts

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Thu Nov 4 22:36:15 CET 2004

On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Willian Padovani Germano wrote:

> It could be done with the usual """...""" block.  But as you say, this 
> help info is really not related to the script code, it should be 
> restricted to usage info for Blender users, a simple manual for users 
> We could use some trick to only show the relevant part of the block, but 
> And after this all would come the description part for coders, which 
> could be large, too, with algos explained, etc.

still, would simply using the first block -- the one that the python doc 
tools as 'DESCRIPTION', do it?

the help browser would just omit the descriptions of the underlying 
methods and attributes, just show the overall module doc. and as the 
module (script) makes a GUI, usage instructions for it would be in place 

and didn't the technique Stani showed for specifying the author, version, 
info urls etc. seem ok? and parsing is surely no problem 'cause the tools 
for it must exist already in the Python libraries.. (in docutils or?)

> Willian


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