[Bf-python] Adding help info to scripts

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Wed Nov 3 03:41:59 CET 2004


This is quite fresh, two days old actually, but it seems usable 
already.  It is a script that parses help info from installed 
(registered) scripts and shows it to the user.

It requires two additions, Blender.Get('homedir') and 
Blender.Get('uscriptsdir') that I committed to cvs yesterday, so only 
those who compile Blender from cvs can test it for now.  The script also 
follows the current theme in Blender, using colors from the Text Editor 
window (bg, text and text highlight) and you can scroll text and resize 
the window.

To try the script, put it in your scripts dir, open it from the Help 
menu, then choose itself from *its* help menu, since the other scripts 
you have are not yet updated with the format that this script expects to 

The format is like this, put it in your script and it'll be ready for 
the help browser:

# <bpy_info>
# <author>Author's name</author>
# <version>version</version>
# <link>Some site, http://somesite.com</link>
# <link>Another site, http://anothersite.com</link>
# <email>Name, name at email.com</email>
# This script does this and that and this is how we
# add help info for it, we just keep writing as many
# lines as we want.  About the tags above, there
# can be more than one author, link and email tag,
# just add them one per line, like done for 'link' above.
# This opens a new paragraph.  Note that you have to
# skip two lines,  not only one, to separate each paragraph.
# Here's another paragraph.
# </bpy_info>


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