[Bf-python] My changes are ready to go in...

ChrisKeith at aol.com ChrisKeith at aol.com
Sat Mar 6 05:01:17 CET 2004

Hello Willan-

My changes are ready to go in whenever you can get to them:


I've got a set of scripts (batch & shell) that get the latest source from 
CVS, apply my changes and run my tests, so I'm not held up if you can't get them 
in soon.  My scripts also detect if you HAVE put the changes in, so I can then 
remove my patches.

I added a change to


so that it should also build under the scons system, but I can't fully test 
this (see 
http://www.blender.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=3101).  You can put this change in or not depending on what's most 

I'm now going to work on getting the .py test scripts to run, since I have my 
testing framework in place.  I'm sure I'll have more questions for you, but 
I'll try to keep the noise level down... :)

best regards,
Chris Keith
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