[Bf-python] knife-0.0.8a.py for blender bundle

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Tue Jun 15 06:23:43 CEST 2004

Hi Wim,

Thank you and Stefano : ), great addition.

I made a few updates to the script:

- made it use Blender.sys.time() instead of trying to import time.
- added Id tag line for cvs version tracking
- put it in the "Modifiers" group instead of "Misc"
- committed it as knife.py, not knife-0.0.8a.py:

this is because it's cumbersome to change a filename under cvs, we have to
delete the file (it then is kept in a dir called "Attic" so that previous cvs
snapshots can still be retrieved) and add the renamed one as a new file.

I should have remembered this before, will have to change two of the scripts
donated by Jean-Michel to strip the version part of the name, too.

Thanks again,

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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