[Bf-python] Missing modules (?)

Manuel Bastioni manuelbastioni at tin.it
Sun Jun 6 11:22:47 CEST 2004

> Blender 2.33 Win should have come with these two files, but because of a problem
> in communication it didn't.  It's still undecided if 2.34 will pack them or
> offer as an extra download for Win.

103 KB is a small increase. I think you should pack it into Blender 
2.34. If not, a lot of script must have a boring message like

"tu run this script you must download and install the lib etc etc.."

The future of Blender script should be the full integration and the max
easiness to use. In particular, Windows users usually hate download and
install the libs by hand, and this procedure can damage the diffusion
of script itself.

Surely one of the lib to include must be os.py
In istance, in MakeHuman code, to increase the easiness, I must use this
not elegant routine:

#This if-else is to make the script
#available under Windows without install full python

import sys
if sys.platform == "win32":
	import nt
	import os

If you want reduce (but it's already very small) the package you can 
analyze the actuall most used scripts, to include only the most required 
I'm busy, but I think is not a problem for someone make a little script 
utility that parse a series of scripts in a dir and report a txt
with all imported modules not built-in...



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