[Bf-python] Re: Python page blender3d.org

Bart Veldhuizen bart at vrotvrot.com
Sun Feb 22 20:38:02 CET 2004

Hi Joseph,

Joseph Gilbert wrote:

>This sounds really like a great idea. Its a great way to keep python
>Im not sure if I understood how that pages are updated though. Would ppl
>from the python group keep them upto date or would ppl from the community
>add scripts to it like a wiki? My only complain about the page on blender3d
>is that it's too narrow :).
Is that about blender3d.org in general or about the prototype that I 
built? We'll put that on our wishlist for the redesign!

At this point, site editing would be for a group of editors, not for the 
entire community. First of all, I'm not sure how to do that with the CMS 
yet. Also, I feel that it is important to have someone in charge of a 
website section. This person could actively maintain the content and he 
(or she) will also provide a point of contact for the community. I feel 
that the Blender Foundation should be as easy to approach as possible. 
Currently, Ton provides this point of contact but obviously he could use 
a hand.

>Do you see this is more for just listing scripts to the blender3d site or
>can it also be about the developement of blender python. I could see both
>but they are not completly related. It seems that the page that was listed
>was about downloading scripts - like exporters/importers.
I would love to see any possible section of the website being maintained 
by volunteers, but this may not be possible right from the start. In 
order to get acquainted with the new technology (instead of plunging in 
headfirst), I suggest the following planning:

1) Implement a Python Download / Blender Community Websites / ... 
directory in the current blender3d.org design. This means that some 
pages on blender3d.org will be served from the new content management 
system, and some pages will still use the 'old' system.

2) Migrate existing pages from the 'old' system to the new CMS, 
rewriting content where needed, find volunteer editors for all sections.

3) Think about modifying the current navigation structure. We will think 
about how to add extra sections such as the Python development section. 
Proposals for required new site sections are welcome! Please give us an 
idea of the kind of pages that you require and we will try to make a 
generic 'interaction design' that can be applied to other site areas as 

4) (the big one): Combine blender.org and blender3d.org. Not sure about 
the timeline for this one.

>However, there is the whole blender python development side to it as well. I
>would like to see (myself) a blender python development page which would
>contain articles on coding , the python C-api, documentation, current
>projects, open projects, a request board, how to submit patches, etc.
>Although most of this is available it's not centralized. I know that the
>python api is not as infinately flexible as to what it will become as the
>bf-blender source itself but there are a lot of things to imporove upon
>Also will blender3d and blender.org remain a develop & download location or
>will it incorporate an elysiun like community? My reason for saying so is
>that ppl go to elysiun to complain about a lack of functionality where it
>should be brought to development (don't even know about the non-english
>speaking sites), and vise versa - ppl complaining about the need for a
>script on the blender.org site. This relates more to forum issues, but I
>think that development, and script writing don't need to be so
When you say 'community', do you mean a forum, or more than that? I 
think that the new site will definately still have forums, but I don't 
think we will host community-galleries and such. (Of course we will have 
a gallery-by-invitation).


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