[Bf-python] Get faces from vertex

Tom Musgrove tommusgrove__ at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 2 06:14:38 CEST 2004


I'd like to give blender a particular vertice number of an object (or 
alternatively the position of the vertice), and have blender return the 
faces which that vertice is part of.

ie say there is a mesh

a b c
d e f
g h i

Then getFacesOfVertice(e) would return four faces - abde, bcef, degh and 

Is there something in blender python that could give me this information?  
(Not that exact function, just something that if I know a vertice, it can 
return vertices that are connected to it.  Getting the four faces is nice 
because I need to find those points out eventually for what I'm doing anyway 
and that saves me a few comparisons...)

The reason I need it, is that the MakeHuman crew would like to subdivide the 
MakeHuman model, and would like to have the current targets be usable on the 
new meshes.  So I've developed my algorithm that should give me the desired 
results, now I just need to find out how to get the information I need from 

Thanks for your assistance,

Tom M.

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