[Bf-python] Blender use of PIL?

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Thu Nov 27 04:28:01 CET 2003

Hi Matt,

(Michel: he probably means "import Image" from PIL, not Blender.Image.
Names ... : ))

> When I write:
> import Image
> I get a failure in blender indicating that it can't find the library.

> The python directory seems to be set correctly (both in blender and in
the shell). Finally, the same scripting (just basic stuff for loading
and viewing a file) works when run from the shell!!!

Yes, surely looks like a path problem.  PIL is not part of the default
Python installation, it's an external package.  Do you know where PIL is
installed in your system?  Printing sys.path in Blender gives all the
dirs from normal Python sys.path?

> I am using SuSE 8.2, blender 2.28c, and the default SuSE install of

Stephen upgraded bpython so that sys.path includes sitedirs (google
"Swaney path site" ; ) -- he sent a patch in September 12) and looking
at www.blender.org, 2.28c came out in Sep 26.

So 2.28c should already have access to sitedirs, the problem is probably
not there or we need to extend the fix.  Please try to find where PIL is
and if you still have problems, please send us the output of sys.path
from both standalone Python and Blender's.

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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