[Bf-python] Mathutils

models at paposo.com models at paposo.com
Thu Nov 20 06:58:19 CET 2003

Well Im at it again with this math module. As a side note I figured out why
I couldn't get newMatrixObject() to return correctly. This function runs
correctly but after the new object is created and returned Matrix_dealloc()
is called (i have no idea why but this seems to be a theme among all the
modules) Maybe this is to clean up for garbage collection - i don't know.
However, I was getting weird crashing until I figured out what the problem
static void Matrix_dealloc (MatrixObject *self)
    //Py_DECREF (self->rows[0]); <----
    //Py_DECREF (self->rows[1]); <----
    //Py_DECREF (self->rows[2]); <----
    //Py_DECREF (self->rows[3]); <----

    if (self->mem)
        PyMem_Free (self->mem);
    PyMem_DEL (self);

When only 1 of the above DECREF's is called everything is o.k. however, when
more than 1 is called blender crashes with:
HEAP[blender.exe]: Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap( 01110000,
01363198 )

Anyway Ive just commented these out and everything seems nice and dandy.

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