[Bf-python] NMesh module and RVK

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Wed Nov 19 01:10:26 CET 2003


When I added meshkey methods to NMesh, it was a last minute addition before
2.28, from a request made by Manuel.  I tried and saw it was easy, so did
it, but knowing that a proper solution for keys would require a Blender.Key

Answering your questions: keys are named, have ID's, etc.  Keyblocks
(contained in keys, they hold the actual data) also have names, so all you
requested should be possible.

I'll implement the Blender.Key module myself, but it will not be in 2.31,
cvs is already frozen for new features.  It's one of the simplest ones, from
what I just saw, so shouldn't take long to write.

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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