[Bf-python] mathutils

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Fri Nov 14 18:06:15 CET 2003

Hi Joe,

> Actually I think the answer lies with the rgbTuple module.  This module is
> not external but is used in the materials and lamp module. Just a simple
> #include will do :)  In the case of material it actually adds the rgbTuple
> as a PyObject member of PyMaterial. This is probably the best thing to do
> guess {',_,'}

Yes, that's what I think, too.  Consider the bpython vector and matrix
pytypes as what they are: internal helper types to be used by any module
that needs them.  The job, as you say, is to include the headers and create
methods to receive these types (or floats, ints, etc. -- depends on the
function of course) and send their "unwrapped" values to Blender's math
functions.  Then again wrap the return value as a pyobject and return it.

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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