[Bf-python] mathutils

models at paposo.com models at paposo.com
Fri Nov 14 02:39:17 CET 2003

It me! *$*

I was looking at the matrix.c and vector.c modules in python as wells as
vectorops, matrixops, athrib, and rand.  Then majority of this stuff is
matrix and vector manipulation. Some of it is not however - just dealing
with a single float or things like rand(). Because we already have a
matrix.c and a vector.c should we continue to add the functions there or
would it be better to combine them into a single module which encompasses
the matrix, vector, etc?  Just looking for opinions. -_*
I could see issues of compatibility if they were combined into a module,
however there are a few funtions which take both matrices and vectors at the
same time and it might be better to combine them. It would also not leave
things like rand() looking for a home in the wilderness. Since most of the
matrix and vector code is simply class definitions it could be recopied into
a new module :)  or maybe not :| Or is there someway of making matrix and
vector a submodule of a math module... I guess then you'd need to do a from
* import * though right? Which direction looks promising<-- ? -->

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