[Bf-python] Texture API- first "sketch"

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Wed Nov 12 04:06:53 CET 2003


> I'm creating the Texture.py docfile first, as it should provide a good
> description of the Texture API. I've epydoc'd it and put it here:
> http://www.geocities.com/lordbosh/Texture/

Looks pretty good, congratulations : )!  This will be a great addition to
bpython : ).  Hint: people at the www.elysiun.com and www.blender.org python
forums will appreciate knowing that you're making this requested module

> To replicate Blender's internals perfectly, the above functions should
> deal with MTex structures linked to Texture objects.

Texture is a big module.  Looking at DNA_texture_types.h, as Michel said:
tex should be internal to mtex and envmap and color band internal to tex.
Armature/Bones is an example of how to do this, as in NMesh.  It's easy to
add support for Ipo and Image, since those are already written.

Forgot to write in the previous email: you can leave the member variables
that require constant dicts and bitfields for you or someone else to include
later.  Then do the get/set methods using the strings.

Congratulations again, Alex.

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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