[Bf-python] Curves 2nd proposal

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Sat May 17 05:53:51 CEST 2003

On Fri, 2003-05-16 at 22:09, guignot wrote:

> here is the new code for the module Curves, with the modifications  
> Willian suggested.

Hey, you've been busy : ).  NMesh is already integrated, so I can test
your files, now.  If blender compiles, I'll commit them and specify in
the log msg that you wrote the Curve submodule, as Michel did for me.

> Little question : How can I commit the cvs modifications ?
> I explain : when I download the last vers. of Blender, the modified 
> files are merged with the new, end CVS puts lots of garbage in these files.
> (yes, I know, man cvs...)

Before I had cvs write access, I just kept a copy of my own modified
/python dir somewhere else.  Not many people have cvs write access to
Blender, there's a "trio" who decides who should get one.  It took some
effort from Michel, who talked to Larstiq (who is in the "trio") who
then convinced the other two to give me cvs write access.

If you want to continue regularly contributing to Blender, they'll
probably give you a pass, after the first few contributions.

I'll give you the advice LarstiQ gave me: it helps to post to the
committer's list, to become known among Blender developers.

This is just my experience, so if someone wants to correct me or if you,
guignot, wants to try some other way, like emailing the guys yourself,
talking to them on irc, etc., go ahead : ).

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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