[Bf-python] Interactive console + extension module.

Michel Selten michel.s at home.nl
Wed May 14 20:41:37 CEST 2003

On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 12:03, j.merritt at pgrad.unimelb.edu.au wrote:
> I have lots of Python suggestions, but I agree with current sentiments that a
> stable API is the most important goal.  However, there are a couple of things
> that I see as parallel to this:

Great! Any suggestion for improvement is welcome :)

> 1.
> Are there any (current) plans to integrate an interactive Python console
> into Blender?  This is useful, for example, when new people are experimenting
> with the API.  To view the docstrings attached to various objects, it's much
> easier to have a console and use either help(obj) or print obj.__doc__ than to
> put these in a script and keep re-running it.  It's also a more Python-esque
> way of doing things, I believe (I'll stand corrected if anyone has good
> counter-examples! :-).

Yes, as a matter of fact Phase already has written something for this.
But this didn't make it in 2.27. He wasn't really sure about the quality
of it. But I guess this can be integrated in 2.28, or at least in
Tuhopuu. (I believe the update already is in Tuhopuu).

With regards,

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