[Bf-python] Animation keys and vertex influences

Jiba jiba at tuxfamily.org
Thu Jul 31 22:05:18 CEST 2003

> Secondly, i have trouble for getting the animation data (probably what is called "Ipo" by Blender ?). What i need is to recover the information entered in Blender's "action" window, in particular the time at which keyframe have been entered. Does someone knows which property of Ipo or IpoCurve object contains this information ?

I've found the solution to this one. I send it here in case of someone is interrested :

for ipo in Blender.Ipo.Get():
    for i in range ipo.getNBezPoints(0):
        time = ipo.getCurveBeztriple(0, i)[3]


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