[Bf-python] "Personal" update

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Thu Aug 28 05:45:57 CEST 2003


I've had a few hardware problems and also some trouble upgrading my linux to
a usable state.  In particular I had more trouble than I'd expect to be able
to compile Blender again and ended up upgrading to Python 2.3.  But things
seem to be fine now.

Before the problems, I was toying with a new Space in Blender, for scripts.
Spaces are "the content" of those main windows, like the 3d win and the Text
win.  This way a script could be left open just like any other win, truly
extending Blender.  The idea for this came after Jacques told me that
scripts with guis needed a text window.  With a scripts window that won't be
the case anymore.

And before that I made two small patches for the problem jms pointed: that
if TexFace is "on" there is currently no simple way for users to tell if
they want vertex colours.  But Ton isn't convinced yet that any of the
solutions I proposed are good, so this will be "on hold" at least for a
while more.

So that's it.  Instead of sending a proposal about better integration to the
bf-committers list, I discussed first with Michel, LarstiQ and Ton and
decided to try the SpaceScript thing first.  Ton will want to review it
before it gets committed.  But if you have your patch ready, Jacques, it
might be interesting to send it to the list for a first test.  We can send
an email, too, mentioning the current ideas about how to do the integration.

BTW, welcome aboard, Stephen Swaney : ).

P.S. about Python 2.3:

It's a >~ 8 MB download and it didn't require any lib I didn't have
installed already and the compilation is much faster than I expected.

Being able to compile it with --enable-pydebug is surely a welcome addition
for bpython developers.  It nicely lives at the /usr/local, without
interfering with the 2.2 one -- I only had to set the $PYTHON sys variable
to /usr/local/bin/python and Blender's configure correctly picked the 2.3

BTW, I had to "fix" Text.c, that NULL vs. &PyType_Type thing again, so one
more confirmation that Python 2.3 requires that in linux, Michel.

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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