[Bf-python] curves - getControlPoint

Willian Padovani Germano wgermano at ig.com.br
Sat Aug 16 22:42:54 CEST 2003

Hi, Stephen

From: "Stephen Swaney" <sswaney at swbell.net>
> I was playing with the Curve interface, specifically the
> getControlPoint( numcurve, numpoint ) method,
> and I noticed it behaved rather badly by segfaulting when passed
> bad parameters.
> I made a trivial patch and was wondering what to do with it.
> Send it to the list?  Does someone 'own' this module?
> I'm getting in the game rather late here and don't want to
> step on anyone's toes.

Don't worry, we're all sensible guys ; ).  Jacques Guignot wrote the Curve
module and may already be looking into upgrading it (possibly making it more
modular too) for other kinds of curves and future work on surfaces.

So you can send the patch to this list, for Jacques to see what is going on
and update the code / maybe merge with his still uncommitted changes (or
someone else, if he is too busy right now).

Thanks for the help.

Willian, wgermano at ig.com.br

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