[Bf-python] Action name and Bone.getQuat()

Jiba jiba at tuxfamily.org
Fri Aug 1 22:52:53 CEST 2003

Hi all,

A few other questions about Blender's Python API...

Is there a way to get the name of Blender's Action ? The data of Action can be accessed through the Ipo module and objects, but Ipo are not named according to the corresponding action (e.g. Action called "advance" has Ipo named "Action.<bone_name>.002"). As i'm writing a Blender => Cal3D exporter, i'd like to keep the action name, and not to rename them "Action.xxx" !

Then, how is it possible to get the quaternion corresponding to the bone rotation (in the armature, NOT from the Ipo !) ? The only way seems to get the head, the tail and the roll of the bone and to compose a rotation from them, assuming that the bone is "looking at" the tail. But there're lots of different ways for "looking at" ! Does someone know how this look at should be performed ?


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