[Bf-linux] Todo for 2nd test build. meeting notes

GSR gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Tue Apr 8 19:28:34 CEST 2008

shaul.kedem at gmail.com (2008-04-08 at 2002.44 +0300):
> You talk about the cons, which is fine, but what about the pros?
> common arch that behaves like a full linux, place to test the build
> and not just deliver it, and so on.

The chroot does exactly that, it gives you a full user space of a
different distro. If the kernel below it is compatible, which should
be the case if you do not try mixing levels with big age differences,
there should be no problem. You can look all kind of tutorials in
which people build and test things mixing distros, run 32bit apps with
64bit kernels, or even migrate from one distro to another by means of


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