[Bf-interface] Top-bar - Target for 2.8 or not?

Julian Eisel eiseljulian at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 23:57:24 CET 2017

Hi again ;)

After having cleared up some misunderstanding in regards to the
top-bar [2], I wanted to get agreement on if the top-bar or parts of
it should be postponed for after 2.80 or not.

There are still good reasons for the top-bar in general: it matters a
lot for the usability of workspaces, it communicates hierarchy of
options better, it resembles what users know from other apps some
more, etc.
Pawel's feedback mentions quite some benefits:

Ton suggested to postpone the part with the operator redo settings
because there are too many open issues ([2]). I don't think that's the
case though, which I wanted to discuss here too :)
In short, I'm not aware of any bigger issues that I didn't address
yet. Will write a followup mail on some details.
Also, would we squeeze remaining settings from the lower sub-bar into
the upper one? That would pretty much remove most benefits of the new

The part with exposing settings of running modal operators can be
postponed IMHO. It's probably not a simple change to implement and not
that important.
And again, there are no concrete plans of having settings for the
tool-system in the top-bar. We might work on that in the future, but
not now.

Also related: https://developer.blender.org/T53139

[1] https://lists.blender.org/pipermail/bf-interface/2017-November/000271.html
[2] https://lists.blender.org/pipermail/bf-committers/2017-November/048917.html

- Julian -

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