[Bf-interface] 2.8: Next Steps for UI Work

Julian Eisel eiseljulian at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 20:58:06 CET 2016

Hi all,

So the write-up of the 2.8 UI workshop is published now [1], but that
doesn't mean we are done! We have just started! We now have to create
and finalize designs based on the doc, decide on and write down
guidelines, work on prototypes and organize ourselves. For sure we'll
also get feedback on the doc from the community which should be
discussed and considered.

I suggest we make extensive use of tasks on developer.blender.org. We
can use columns to categorize tasks on the UI Workboard [2]. Columns
relating to 2.8 should be marked specifically (e.g. "Blender 2.8:
Custom Manipulators"). It's also possible to use parent and sub-tasks
which can be incredible useful for structuring.
We should still stick to the practice of only creating and keeping
tasks that are actually being worked on. Others should be archived
I'll go ahead now and do some task cleanup, and I'll update the workboard a bit.

Everybody is invited to help out and be a part of the process. We can
use every helping hand!

[1] https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:2.8/UI/Workshop_Writeup
[2] https://developer.blender.org/project/board/12/
[3] https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Source/Development/Todo/UserInterface#Archived_Design_Tasks

- Julian -

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