[Bf-gamedev] Proposal to (try to) get better FBX support

Jens Christian Restemeier jens.restemeier at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 12:56:36 CEST 2014

> I do not think Collada is the way to go, I would even say it?s the other
> direction we should take, if we were to work on a new format.

That is a noble goal, but the danger is that you end up with this:

> I would go to a minimalistic format. FBX is much better than collada on
> this regard, but it is cluttered with an history of crapiness - and some
> aspects (like its object transform model) are still crazy.
> An exchange format does not have to support every possible feature. An
> exchange format has to be simple!

One idea I had was to define a strict subset of Collada that require least
effort to map into an application without going crazy. That could be tagged
in the header, and if a importer finds that it goes through a fast/simple
importer. If it isn't there the importer has to go through more general

- fixed transform stack for nodes: Either a matrix, or a
translate/rotate/scale stack for animations
- fixed vertex format for each channel and "simple" layout. Instead of
supporting every simple buffer and data layout, only support a base format.
(basically something like FBX.)
- fixed geometry format: for example support only convex polygon primitives
without holes
- fixed order in which libraries are defined
- strict usage rules for the different name, id and sid tags and path
- fixed armature layout rules

That way you have automatic support to import into other applications, and
people could import and export the subset into their own code without
spending ages supporting any odd configuration.

> E.g. I like Wavefront .obj format - it is simple (even though Max
> managed to break it with odd expectations on smoothgroups :/ )!

I'm not a fan, mainly because it splits materials into a separate file, and
is limited by some old assumptions about how to work with geometry and
shading info.

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