[Bf-gamedev] Proposal to (try to) get better FBX support

mail at smokythaklown.com mail at smokythaklown.com
Tue Sep 9 14:14:27 CEST 2014


My personal honest opinion.. about what your actually doing is
devoting time for people to use autodesk/unity3d/daz&poser rather then
blender/BGE/makehuman. I understand the goal, and maybe a year ago i
would have even spent money for you to develop in this area.. but in the
long run imagine what could have been done for blender itself with the
massive amount of time spent . My theory is we make snakes work, snakes
dont make us work. 

-dont get me wrong, alot of blender community is
indeed grateful to the fbx efforts especially for jobs that clients
request specific formats and applications, but overall more harm is
being done to blender itself. Just my opinion, hope it alters reality in
a positive way small or big. Good luck! *dont kill yourself over fbx

On 09-09-2014, Bastien Montagne wrote: 

> Hi,
> And thanks for the
link, unfortunately this is just a tweaked version of the work from guys
at http://blenderfbx.render.jp/ [6] . Aside from the fact that they add
another intermediate step (their own .bos format), the real issue with
their tool is that it uses umconv, which uses… FBX SDK!
> If we could
use FBX SDK, things would be hundreds times simpler for us. But FBX SDK
is everything but opensource, which means we cannot use (distribute) it
with Blender.
> Cheers,
> Bastien
> Le 09/09/2014 11:47,
mail at smokythaklown.com [7] a écrit : 
>> Check with this cat working on the fbx armature import. You
might already be aware of his efforts, just trying to help. 
>> On
08-09-2014, Bastien Montagne wrote: 
>>> Hi all,
>>> So, as
everyone probably already knows, we are struggling like Hell to 
>>> try
to support FBX format in Blender. We already spent a **huge** amount

>>> of energy on this, for rather mitigated results so far (to
>>> roughly static object/mesh/material export works quite
good, basic 
>>> animation too. Camera/lamp orientation handling are
buggy, and armature 
>>> handling is kind of nightmare).
>>> Now,
what I propose is to add a second fbx io addon (as contrib), 
**clearly flagged as experimental**, where we can put any 
dirty/bad-tested/etc. development. The point is, I want a place where I

>>> can do whatever I want, without considering things like 'good
>>> 'maintainable code', 'readable code', 'stable code',
>>> code', etc. - and yet get it in all and every Blender
release and build, 
>>> so that anyone involved in FBX pipeline can
easily test it, without 
>>> waisting time in mails pingpong and
>>> Once an issue is clearly solved in bad experimental
addon, we can think 
>>> to a good and nice way to implement it in good
>>> I would start to put Jens' work in this experimental
version, and see 
>>> whether it enhances armature handling for
>>> In the mean time, I'll try to go over all unfixed FBX
reports I got in 
>>> past months, and establish a list of basic, simple
FBX test cases I need 
>>> to try to understand those issues better.
Then, I'd ask artists having 
>>> 'ref FBX applications' to generate
such files.
>>> Please let me know if you see something wrong in
here, or something to 
>>> add (and yes, I know experimental addon is
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bastien
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