[Bf-funboard] Switch screens from the search bar

Pekka pekka.tilit at aijai.org
Thu Feb 12 18:51:11 CET 2015

Hello all!

The task oriented screens (UV editing, animation and the like) are a
great feature. There are at least two ways of switching them that I'm
aware of, but the one that I felt that was missing was from the spacebar
and search.

I did a few simple operators to do just that...

    class OpenUVEditingLayout(bpy.types.Operator):
        """UV Editing Layout"""
        bl_idname = "screen.uv_editing"
        bl_label = "Open UV Editing layout"

        def execute(self, context):
            context.window.screen = bpy.data.screens['UV Editing']
            return {'FINISHED'}

... but I got thinking if other users would benefit from this kind of
approach as well. I usually find it easiest to focus on what I'm doing
by typing it (Spacebar "Video Ed" Enter), where the other methods feel a
bit awkward in their own way. The dropdown list requires you to be
careful not to press the X to delete stuff, and Ctrl+Left/Right has you
try and recognize the UI if it's the one you're after.

Scripting it like this got the job done, but it has a number of issues.
It can't open user created screens, and they sometimes get under other
operators with similar keywords, having you type longer to find it (is
it possible to prioritize search results? list screens above in a
separate box?). Someone with more experience of the inner workings might
know if those things are possible to fix or not.

Well, thanks for reading my notes.

Kind regards,
Pekka Heikkinen

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