[Bf-funboard] The Lack of inability to perform Batch operations in Blender

Kévin Dietrich kevin.dietrich at mailoo.org
Mon Jun 2 17:01:30 CEST 2014


Hi Ajlan, 

I don't know if such feature is on any roadmap. But for the most part,
you can write a little python script to get such work done. 

For example, in the case of the subsurf modifier, you can do it like so:

import bpy 

for obj in bpy.context.selected_obects: 


 obj.modifiers['Subsurf'].levels = 2 

 except KeyError: 

 print("No subsurf on this object") 

This will set the "view" level of all the subsurf modifiers in your to

You could add 1 "render" level with: 

 obj.modifiers['Subsurf'].render_levels += 1 


This is basic blender/python scripting for task automation. You look for
more info on that subject on BlenderArtists. 



Le 2014-06-02 16:24, Ajlan Altug a écrit : 

> Hi;
> I'm wondering if there are Blender users out there who feel the need to
> perform Batch attribute adjustments on multiple objects in Blender on a
> daily basis. Blender is downright fantastic, there's no doubt. The amount
> of attention and thought put into almost every aspect of it astounds me
> persistently. Yet, working in 3D means having to deal with tons of objects
> at a time. I have numerous objects in my scene with subSurf modifier
> applied to each and every one of them. If I want to change their
> resolution, as of now, I need to dive in there, bite the bullet and tackle
> this task one object after the other, which is likely to take at least 15
> to 20 minutes of my precious time. Is there anything in the devs' agenda to
> tackle this issue in the near future? A spreadsheet a-la Maya will be
> clunky and unweildly, but the ability to adjust parameters from the
> properties panel after selecting multiple objects would be a needed and
> welcome addition to Blender.
> Cheers;
> AJ


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