[Bf-funboard] UI talk + session at bconf

ruth ruth at ivimey.org
Fri Sep 27 01:14:39 CEST 2013

David wrote:
>  Changing the mentality about code-reviews in blender, now that the 
> release process is improved, will help more efficiently leverage this 
> work from external developers, and also encourage them to make more 
> contributions by helping them feel their work is appreciated instead 
> of needless sitting on the vine.

I have always felt the value of code reviews was twofold; you get 
someone who can code to attempt to pick holes, and the code author gets 
to explain stuff to that reviewer, which may well prompt the "duh" 
moment when they realize something won't work.

The second is the main reason I don't believe in code reviews where the 
reviewer does their thing independently of the author: you lose 90% of 
the benefit.

Finally, any system of code review that is stifled because people are 
unhappy about the responsibility of signing off on code they don't know 
well is, surely, broken too.


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