[Bf-funboard] Experimental keymap introduction video

Danni Coy danni.coy at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 04:22:48 CET 2013

a few points -
1) The tab key with the pymenu add on works really well in the
existing keymap. Unless you have some other good reason to move the
keys around I would suggest that this would require almost no learning
curve for existing users and would invalidate less tutorials. I am a
lot less crazy about CTRL + TAB for vertex|edge|face selection as this
is an uncomfortable key combo.

2) I think there might be a way for us to eat our cake and have it too
with regards to left, right mouse button select. The main reason that
has been sited for keeping right button select is that it works really
well in some of the modes. Sculpt in paint particularly come to mind.
Object and Edit modes are main ones where I am aware of there being a
problem. I have multiple problems with having the transform point as a
left click - I often accidental move it when I don't mean to, It's not
useful until you are getting reasonably advanced with your skills. I
think that it should be moved to requiring a modifier key regardless
of what else we do. That would free up the left mouse click. My
suggestion would be to make both left and right mouse buttons
selection buttons in edit and object modes.... Crazy? consider this -
they don't have to be the same selection tool. Make right select which
ever tool is the most convenient to select with when painting or
sculpting (other modes I am not thinking about?). Make left the more
standard select tool. In edit mode it might be possible to make one of
the selectors a tweak tool (allow selection and moving of verticies in
the same action - have a look at tweek mode in Wings3d as an example.

3) not entirely convinced on the change in selection keys, it does
sound like I am going to be holding down the shift key a lot more
often which is less comfortable. I think I would be happier with add
select being the unmodified tool and using the a key to deselect if I
want to replace my selection - but that might be because I already use
several tools that behave in just that way.

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