[Bf-funboard] Rotate view around 3D cursor and navigate single vertices by keyboard

Bol Bib bollebib at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 16 14:01:47 CEST 2012

-I like the "rotate around selection" setting for the viewport manipulation in the UI settings. But this does not cover the whole need you might have,and for some objects ,depending on their form or size this is not optimal behaviour.

SO I was wondering: "Rotate around 3D cursor "function?

I tested out the 3D cursor and I like how it places itself close/on the object you select,  in a predictable fashion. 
Wouldn't it be great to be able to use this cursor for viewport manipulation purposes? 
Especially rotate around 3D cursor would make viewport manipulation much more quick and versatile. 

Bis 1)
It' is however true that you need the 3D cursor for other purposes,so why not a quick toggle between "rotate around selection" and "rotate around 3D cursor" if necessary? 

Bis 2)
might also be good to have an icon in the 3D view settings bar for quick viewport manipulation settings. (I'm just putting options out there)

IF this is something already possible,I am sorry,I have googled it,and searched on blenderartists,but have not found it readilly

-my next request is less important but might be quite useful as well.

I might commit blasphemy in saying that I would like a feature of another 3D program into blender,but bear with me. 
I have used maya in the past(as well as 3DSmax) and even though I ended up hating their guts, i did like some options I was presented. 

Individual vertices navigation through use of the arrow buttons.

What does this mean?
You select a vertex , which normally lies on a tri or a quad. You press an arrow key(up right,down,left) and the selection moves to the next vertex connected to the previous Vertex.  (this could be based on local vertex location OR on Viewport based location ,where up arrow always moves up in the viewport,down moves down,etc..)

I would like this because how often doesn't it happen when modeling you try to select 1 elusive vertex,but because of its location you can't quite get it. Then you have to hide other vertices or do other operations to get to it. If you could navigate connected vertices using the keyboard you could select en vertex near where you wanna be,and then press one or more arrows,navigating through the mazelike connection and get to the point you need.

Now this can be expanded with "shift" and "alt" to add or remove vertices to an existing selection (starting point is the "active" vertex's selection,ofcourse)

This COULD even be extended to edges and/or faces if possible. 

I did say this is easiest on arrow keys,but I know arrow keys is used for timeline jumps. I wonder if it is necessary to use these in edit mode (since this the only place where you would want to use this function) but you could ofcourse use different solutions for the keymap (maybe even use the numpad arrows)

I really think this functionality would help detailed selection problems.

kind regards



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