[Bf-funboard] Saving default user prefs

GSR gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Fri Dec 11 19:58:06 CET 2009

rolandh at reed-witting.com (2009-12-11 at 0802.28 -0500):
> Of those cases, number 1 is almost certainly the most frequent. It 
> should be the default behavior, at least from the "save as default" 
> button in the user prefs window. Seeing as we can easily dump properties 
> out from Python these days, I'm wondering if it wouldn't be useful to 
> have two layers of default material: the .b.blend file loads, after 
> which Blender looks for a .b.py file in the same directory that contains 
> a python dump of the user pref window properties. I think that would be 
> the simplest solution, and it fits within the current paradigm of the 
> way things are done internally.

Can SDNA handle settings that change from version to version but are
set via .py?

I think there is another method possible where there is no doubts:
load two blends transparently instead of one, first user-prefs.blend
(current .b.blend with another name, default shipped version will be
bare bones to save space) then start-up.blend (to load screens,
default objects, etc). And depending on the invoked commands, save one
or both files when needed.


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