[Bf-funboard] Re: Re: Re: Some skinning feature ideas (Benjamin Tolputt)

Bassam Kurdali bkurdali at freefactory.org
Tue Apr 10 00:00:47 CEST 2007

By the way, when doing extra features for weight-painting, we've been
focusing a lot on bone weights; for instance when talking about a
"normalized display" mode (which, for the record, I think could be quite
I think we need to consider how that would work for other groups, and
for instance, for modifiers. I'm not sure if everyone agrees, but if
feels clear to me that once we get some kind of multi-modifier ability,
normalized weight groups for modifiers are going to be essential. Do we
want that visualized too?

PS: I hope I didn't offend anyone in my earlier post: what I meant was
that the current system leaves a lot of hidden features, and that is the
low hanging fruit that should be addressed first by the funboard, I
don't believe that people are "lazy"- many of the posters are
hardworking riggers/animators/instructors, with valuable knowledge and

PSS: I wonder how hard the normalized weightgroup display request would
be to implement; it does imply some "dirtiness" or design needed for the
code, as it is my understanding that the weight group itself is not
normalized; rather the extent of it's influence is, so while weight
painting, blender would have to "fetch" this data from somewhere else.
In the case of multiple modifiers with multiple weight groups, this can
get quite complex, so we should really think this out, especially taking
in mind that the modifier itself has a weight group (potentially) and
that we would really like these to become normalizable in the future.

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