[Bf-funboard] Add Mesh - Continued...

Alexander Ewering blender at instinctive.de
Thu Apr 5 12:16:08 CEST 2007

On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, Michael Crawford wrote:

>> Whilst arbitrary user defined meshes good to plan for, we currently dont 
>> have any in blender (unless you count the monkey)
> No.  That's a primitive (get the evolution joke).  har har har.  I aggree it 
> would be great to have this feature though.  Perhaps one could have a new 
> "favorites" menu... like a web browser.  and a "bookmarks" file which to

In this context, I'd like to point at DTPBlender (a fork of
instinctive-Blender, in turn a fork of Blender 2.36) and its "User-defined
primitives" - you can just turn on "Primitive" in the editbuttons, and the
Object gets put into an add->user->... menu, and when added, behaves
the same as other primitives (current layer, rot from view, no scale, at
cursor)... you can just link your .B.blend to a, say, .primitives.blend
which contains a scene with your user-defined primitives, and
then you always have your primitives available...

(Code-wise, it (in simplified form) SHIFT-Ds the primitive object, moves it
to the cursor position and active layer, copies rot from view...)

Perhaps some code from there can be copied to make your life easier (as I'm
not only a martyr, but also have something of Jesus :-)

| alexander ewering              instinctive mediaworks
| xx-mail.com/instinctive     http://www.instinctive.de

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