[Bf-funboard] Zooming to mouse position

Bassam Kurdali bkurdali at freefactory.org
Tue Apr 3 23:32:40 CEST 2007

This is either good candidate for a user pref or (better) different
interface/mode- I'd suggest using modifier+ mousewheel, but they're all
taken (not you Doug). Perhaps if we use the "cursor" transform center,
this could be made to apply to the view transforms too? (might be
annoying too)

There  are good arguments for both behaviors- for instance, sometimes a
user doesn't care where the 3D cursor is- they really just want to zoom
in, not zoom and pan; having to place the 3d cursor would be an annoying
extra step. Add that to the fact that sometimes the view location/angle
is "useful information" that you don't want to loose. 

The argument *for* the proposed change is a good one too, I just don't
see this as an exclusive win. If we're only going to do one and not the
other, keeping the current behavior is better IMO as it is most
natural/least surprising.

On Tue, 2007-04-03 at 23:05 +0200, Knittl wrote:
> yes, that's the main problem. it will irritate people who are used to
> the current system. initially I didn't want to talk about userprefs,
> but it would be the only solution to please "blender-conservatives"
> and "blender-liberals". the ones don't want to change their imprinted
> workflow, whereas others are open to new ideas and welcome them. 
> and it's really a core feature of blender, that *everyone* uses
> evertime.
> regards
> On 4/3/07, Alexander Ewering <blender at instinctive.de> wrote:
>         On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, [iso-8859-1] doug wrote: 
>         > Yes this is a great idea IMO.  it really does stop you
>         needing to do a
>         > second command/movement to pan the screen.  and you can
>         quickly
>         > scrollwheel in and out to reposition your screen.
>         > 
>         > I suggested it a while ago, and the response then was that
>         it is
>         > confusing, and some people preffered it how blender does
>         it.  Althought
>         > everyone thinks its evil to have user prefs..... i think
>         this is something 
>         Not everyone. I always thought of this hostility against
>         userprefs as
>         arrogance and disregard for the wishes and personal
>         preferences of users,
>         which are so varied that not even a perfect application made
>         by God Himself 
>         could serve them all.
>         | alexander ewering              instinctive mediaworks
>         | xx-mail.com/instinctive     http://www.instinctive.de
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> -- 
> damn ass mega nerd, knittl
> -- myftphp.sf.net
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