[Bf-funboard] Some skinning feature ideas

Bassam Kurdali bkurdali at freefactory.org
Mon Apr 2 22:49:49 CEST 2007

Hi Tony, Roland answered some of your other questions, here's one he
2) vertex weights are normalized for bones already- you can assign a
weight of one to each bone and they mix fifty fifty- no "greater than
one" or "less than one" weights are allowed to a vertex. If you assign a
vertex a weight of 0.1 to one bone, and no other bone influences, it
will have an effective weight of 1. 
For cleaning up, there is a "clean weights" script that removes (with a
threshold) vertexes with weights close to zero from a group. I think it
lets you iterate over all groups too. This is not exactly the same as
what you were asking, but it is handy.

PS vertex weight normalization could benefit in some situations by being
accessible to the rigger- I believe maya does this- on the other hand, I
recall reading a maya rigging book saying you would never need/want to
turn it off.
PSS If we get multi-modifiers or nodal modifiers then the issue of
normalization will pop up again, this time in regards to vertexes under
the influence of several modifiers.


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